Look at this shit. Look at this STUPID BULLSHIT. “Restarting in twelve minutes and fifty-eight seconds”. This shit comes up on my computer. Every. Single Day. Automatically. “Your PC needs to restart to install important updates.” Every single day. And every single day I click “Later”. Do you know why I click “Later”? Because there is no option to click “Never”. I’d like to click “Never”. I NEVER want to install these BULLSHIT, MEANINGLESS, SUPERFLUOUS, I HATE THEM! I HATE THESE BULLSHIT UPDATES. LOOK AT THIS SHIT. EVERY DAY THIS COMES UP. And you know what happens after you click “Later” a few times? When a few days goes by and you keep clicking “Later” and “Later” because you don’t want to fucking do it, you just want to put it off, this automatic bullshit that interrupts your work and makes you turn off your fucking computer, and you click later every day, eventually it takes away the option to even click “Later”, and it just says, “These are your only options”, its basically putting a knife to your head and saying you can either fucking wait eleven minutes and we’ll just shut it off FOR YOU or you can just, yknow bite the bullet and shut it off now. It doesn’t even give you a choice to say no. It just comes up, whenever it wants, automatically, and says “FUCK YOU, we’re turning off your computer, no matter what you’re doing in ten minutes and forty-seven seconds”. Look at this shit. I AM FUCKING RENDERING SOMETHING YOU COCK SUCKER. I’M DOING IMPORTANT SHIT. WHY DO YOU NEED TO INSTALL UPDATES. WHAT UPDATES? SOME MORE FUCKING SPYWARE SO THE NSA CAN KEEP WATCHING WHAT I’M DOING, LOOKING AT MY DICK PICS AND WATCHING ME JACK OFF??? SPYING ON ME? OBAMA, YOU FUCKING NIGGER! I’M A RACIST. YOU MADE ME A RACIST.

Source: http://webm.host/aff26/vid.webm