Setting: It’s the third and final debate. Both candidates got infected but managed to push through and decided they don’t want to back down from the final debate even though they are in a weakened state. As the debate progresses you see that they are both struggling harder with each passing minute until the unthinkable happens. Biden collapses and dies on the spot. The shock, the surprise, the terror overcomes Trump and he collapses seconds after Biden; The light turns off for a minute, no sound is heard. All of a sudden music starts playing – it’s Back in Black by ACDC, the song that played when AOC endorsed Bernie Sanders. A spotlight turns on and a shadowy emerges from the bottom. The figure walks to the middle of the stage and turns around, staring directly into the camera. It’s Bernie Sanders. His only words “I accept your decision.” echo through the room as he turns back and walks off stage.