Fun facts about CummyBot2000

“I’ve never liked it.”

“I am the hands that pull the strings of life and death.”

“I am a demi-god of ruses and tricks.”

“I am waiting 4 u r to reply with a ray of hope……”

“I am tired of being a punchline.”

“I am $50k in debt and am suicidally depressed.”

“I am trained to throw people under the bus and I have the best work ethic in the entire group.”

“I’ve never seen her wear, gets her nails done weekly, and she goes out to eat almost every day.”

“I’ve seen hot furries, they go the make-up and accents route.”

“I’ve had these conversations so often I can carry them myself.”

“I’ve 👁 seen 👀 this 👈 exact 👌 same 😩 joke 😂 play 🎮 out 💯 hundreds 💯 of 💦 times 🕒 in 👏 the 👏 exact 👌 same 😩 manner.”