Honestly ever since the Joker trailer dropped I’ve seen a subtle difference in those around me. I think that Joker trailer unlocked something in the population’s subconscious. On my way to work this morning my usual route was obstructed by a gruesome car wreck, so I took surface streets. I saw strange sights throughout my ride. Passing under a tunnel I saw a shirtless man covered in mud pushing a midget wearing old Victorian era garb in a shopping cart while screaming some strange brutal language.

At a red light I saw a woman grab a piece of raw red meat from her center compartment and start gnashing on it. She then tucked it somewhere in her lap after the car behind her caught her attention by honking at the green light. Only half of my coworkers showed up today. They said there was a bug going around. The coworkers that did show up all had the Joker trailer playing on their computer screens throughout the day. I saw two people sitting side by side watching the same video. One nudged the other on the shoulder and said “You have to see this.” Then the one guy went over and was amazed by the trailer as if it wasn’t the same exact video he had already been watching.

The boss lady always wears an abundance of make up. But her lipstick and eye shadow seemed to have been applied hastily and with more product than usual.
Although this change might be a good thing. Ever since the trailer dropped there’s been a noticeable influx in people’s sense of humor. Every one was cracking jokes today. After a while the whole office was a symphony of fits of laughter. My cheeks and stomach still hurt from it. It seems like laughter has been just as infectious as that sick bug going around. I’m actually still laughing right now as I write this.