Haven’t read the comments, only read the title of the video. Cant watch any now but I feel content contextually via thumbnail to add commentary.

Fuck Nihilism, but 2X FUCK the pseudo-philosphers’ who know nothing of Nietzsche (and the subtle optimisms within His version of it) that give up on life, their innate/learnt moral compasses and their responsibilities; especially the responsibilities to the people who need and mean (“meant”) something to them, those who reciprocate unconditionally, therefor will still.

All in the belief that nothing means anything. Oh how dark and enlightened. How brave. They’ll lie to themselves, that their superior PoV \*\*(((caused by traumatic!pastAKA ma and pa didn’t give em the dream Bat Mitzvah they wanted. Cut to Lil Peep, MCR 24/7 Silvia Plath))) is why, rather than the truth: it is easier and they feel jaded thus hedonism is on the menu. Just like John Lennon said, “Imagine,” no Country, God, Afterlife etc. along with the over arching mantra, “nothing is real.” Least thats sung in a good song rather than Thee Solo Beatles’ MAgNum opUs.

357 magnum condom Opana: Oxymorphone delight.

So dont let a art college girl put a tab on your tongue that she hid in her vaginal cavity. Same sentiment regarding the mushrooms by your social distance yoga class on campus and its stream. Those grew from cow poop and are almost as dirty as the fingers pressing LSD on your tongue palette deep, via she.

Take 3 Oxymorphone standard dose pills, chased with grapefruit juice that is not locally made or cruelty free, if you want to experience enlightenment. Your quest for meaning begins, 30 mins later press ink into paper.