You know this whole android thing in Detroit: Become Human is kind of bothering me. Not because it scares me but because it makes less sense the more you think about it. Artificial Intellitence is limited to the capabilities of the code and programming created by humans. In the video game the Androids become sentient, developing a sense of emotions. Now, if humans develope Androids and androids such as any machine is built for a particular function. Why not just prevent the android from ever having a sense of feeling, or a sense of emotion. The truth is, just because it is a machine doesn’t mean it is perfect because humans are inherently imperfect. And due to human imperfection any creation of the human being has it’s flaws; be it in design, functionality, or limitations, human being creations are just as fragile and futile and human kind itself. So when the game Detroit: Become Human is put into question, the specific question “Why didn’t they just prevent the machines from feeling emotion within the coding or programming?” because they wanted the machines to be more life like. This may be a theory but humans are the reason the androids can feel. Humans would rather artifically generate a sentient, self-thinking robot than make it lifeless. Why? Because, humans are get lonely easily. Despite many people living in a state of loneliness they still desire that human contact. It’s innate to humans to be social. So why not put life into these lifeless machines, give life to what once didn’t have life. Humans created androids, and humans gave these androids emotions. And much as how humans often rise up and overtake the thrones of their masters, androids will follow. For as many humans try their hardest to usurp their creator, it is the human’s creation which will usurp them.