Throwaway account, because my relatives spend 30 hours a day scrolling through AITA to make sure that neither me nor my sister posts on here.

I know the title sounds bad but pls listen to the whole thing.

English is not my first language (in fact I just started learning it today), I apologise for bad grammar 🙂

Here is some background info – I (15m, teenager, very rich) am a teenager who recently received a huge inheritance from my GFs (23f, super-model, worked at a local starbucks lmao) parents after her death (she was killed by her MIL). After investing the money in several cryptos, I now have a net worth of nine figures (more than your broke ass lolll). My younger step-sister (20f, nazi, homophobe, hates anyone who is not straight) has been in a stable relationship with her GF (17f, I had a crush on her) for the last 30 years (this is a relevant detail). My sister regularly streams on twitch.

So yesterday, me and my friend (50m, I met him on the teenagers sub on reddit) were at my mansion (few miles off my estate). We were tuning into my sisters live stream. While my buddy went to fetch his big chungus pillow, my sister (this part is very important) said something unacceptable about me. She said ‘my brother likes playing minecraft bruh everyone knows that fortnite is a better game’. OMG guys u will not believe this but this is actually what she said! Like what the frick?! Everyone knows that fortnite is only for cringe instagram normies wtf.

I got pissed af. I went straight to the garage, sat in my tesla, and asked it to drive straight to my sisters tiny shack in the outskirts. I then pulled out my dream TM flamethrower and scorched her hair (she was growing it for the last 8 years) and she was left with a shiny bald head (lmao).

My sister cried for the next 10 hours (who tf cries for such a small thing she is still an effin crotch goblin). She then proceeded to post about the incident on her facebook (wtf man she should have talked to me first). My phone (iphone 16, I bought it with the spare change I had while buying the tesla) is blowing up with messages from her 20 million followers about how I am THE ASSHOLE.

So redditors of reddit, am I the asshole? (I know I am NTA, I just need validation from internet strangers and I desperately need reddit karma)

PS – while reading through the story, I am starting to suspect that there is a small chance that I MIGHT be TA, so lemme just add that my sister committed several warcrimes in the former yugoslavic republic.