*The Spongebob Squarepants Movie* is an allegory for anti-fascist struggle. Plankton and Mr. Krabs represent competing national bourgeois interests engaged in a permanent struggle for domination of the market and commodity accumulation. Plankton, tired of getting his shit kicked in (basically Germany post-WWI) reverts to try to mechanize society into an all powerful engine dedicated to the production of commodities and the expansion of commodity production under the particular bourgeois interests of Plankton. The helmets must reproduce and be engaged in a perpetual conflict against competing bourgeois interests to satisfy the drive of Plankton’s degenerated capitalism to capture all markets beneath the seven seas. It is able to resolve the inherent contradictions of Plankton’s dictatorship of the bourgeoisie by removing the humanity of the sea creatures, militarization and mind control (ideology) in the name of an autocratic state that consolidates the power and property of the bourgeoisie (Plankton).