Just shit myself for the very first time. Always used to hear stories about people shitting themselves and wonder “how could you possibly let that slip?” I’ve always had the tightest strongest asshole. I’ve never even let a fart pass through on accident. just started fasting to lose some weight, and apparently the ketosis makes your farts sneaky little faggots. there I was sitting alone, so I went to let a little brap out. immediately I knew something was wrong. I felt liquid come out. i almost couldn’t believe it, I was so confident that my strong scrunchhole would never do this, that I reached down and touched my hole with my index finger, sure enough my fears were true. and it wasn’t just a little bit. I thought it was at first but I went to the bathroom and somehow it was one of those where the liquid shit is so far outside of your asscrack that when you try to wipe you get it on your wrist. I took a shower. never will I trust my asshole again. no more farts.