I am walking down the school hallway when I am ambushed by the Sassi squad led by Antoinette Marie, who forced me to consult with ms. Gnome for binder reorganizing. She is carrying her notes and binders as if she is about to no scope snipe someone at 115 mph, equivalent to a category 3 hurricane. Her daughter is going to Squidward college to become a scientific engineer, we can deduce this because she tells us every chance she gets. In reality though the sassi squad is just trying to make the world a better place by bribing students with gummies to take notes. Failure to comply results in Antoinette Marie saying “you’re not a bad kid, but no gummies for you” in the loudest voice possible as Megan “I love me” white(?) your deskmate looks at you with a judgemental look while munching on her gummies. Previously you, Megan “I love me” White(?), Nyah, and Funky Jackie got an 82 on the first lab of the year which involves investigating melting ice and hydrochloric acid.