This man clearly does not banana all the time which could mean that he do not banana all de time. Since he do not banana all the time, he is stuck in banana limbo, all because he do not banana all de time. Now what is interesting is that this Banana Man, which do banana all de time, knows for certain that this man do not banana all de time. While he is the Banana Man, which I have to mention that he do banana all de time, it would seem likely that a man of such banana would know those that do and do not banana all de time.

The quote “you do not banana all de time” implies that he do, in fact, banana some of de time. What do banana look like?

This is what banana do look like, a yellow long fruit that is on banana trees. This also brings up the idea that the banana trees do not banana all de time, as there are times in the banana trees lives where they no longer make banana all de time. The only things that do banana all de time are those that are banana and the one and only Banana Man. Could this in fact be an insult to the people that do not banana all de time?

Now that we know that this one line is not a reassurance by the Banana Man, which do banana all de time, but rather an insult to those that do not banana all de time. We can then separate the items and people that do not banana all de time, into banana some of de time, and banana no time. Who do not banana at all? Quick ask your friends or people that do not like you if they banana. If they say no then you can start charting people into banana some of de time and no banana at all. Could Banana Man be talking to both or only those that banana some of de time? While it would make sense to insult those that do not banana at all, it would also be incredibly bananist against those that can not banana. He does not want to seem bananist to those that do not banana, so he goes to those that only banana some de time.

There may have been huge genocides against other bananas and the arguments that they do not banana all de time despite being a banana. That is why there are bananas that do not banana any more. Science sells you the pretty lie that these bananas had diseases that ran rampant amongst the bananas. That is not true only because of this one line in the song “Banana Man”. Banana Man knew this and was trying to tell us a message to never trust those that do not banana. Science has had a giant part in the banana war for being bananist and not knowing how to stop the banana racism, they wanted to make the now only bananas believe they had won and there were no more “bananas”. The bananas now lay in wait for the Banana Man to uncover the truth, but the government and science knows this. He only had one way that was through this museum that Tally Hall had visited.

After their visit they had been taking a job to become banana dealers to the crowd. People had thought this was only for the music video, but how else would they get bananas in the office? exactly, this is all real, nobody knew that this Banana Man existed, besides the government, and everyone had dismissed this fact as it was just a catchy song. Banana Man is here and he has figured out the truth. Banana now, or fear the banana uprising!