The rest of you (with a few exceptions): You represent everything that is soulless and everything that is wrong with humanity. The lack of empathy and basic good will you’ve demonstrated here is astounding, even by the tragic standards we live by in today’s world. If you had even a shred of self-awareness or the slightest ability to be introspective you’d all be hanging your heads in shame right now. But you aren’t, because your atrophied simian brains are incapable of any sort of emotional understanding. You’re all ten metaphorical hairs away from being a bunch of shit-chucking baboons. If your politics didn’t actively cause harm and strife and death to people like me and the OP on a daily basis, I’d almost feel sorry for you. But they do, so I don’t. I hate you all and I hope you all die miserable, agonizing, horrific deaths, alone and terrified and trapped in dark, dark places. Fuck every one of you down to your last subatomic particle. Get fucking annihilated.

Source: [This Steam discussions thread about a transgender option in Stardew Valley.](