Just let them enjoy the show

Yes, this line of reasoning is exactly why I’m calling out on the bullshit that is calling this post r/UnexpectedJoJo material. Like, obviously, the subreddit isn’t the show, but that’s the idea. Based on my experience (which, as I said, is what happened with r/UnexpectedTF2), an “Unexpected subject” subreddit should be filled with people randomly making actually unexpected references to the subject in question. Like, people are talking about something else entirely, then suddenly someone drops a quote, or a meme post clearly begins with another subject in mind, and it suddenly ends with the subject as the punchline instead of the actual body of the post. However, people eventually start to crosspost everything on those kind of subreddits. This post is NOT “unexpected JoJo”, this post is LITERALLY A JOJO MEME, it’s on r/BTD6 but it’s entire purpose is to draw a comparison between Bloons Tower Defense and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Then some dimwits go by the logic that “hey, it’s JoJo and not on a JoJo subreddit, thus it’s unexpected enough” and flood the subreddit in question. It pretty much becomes “upvote subject” as opposed to “unexpected subject”. And, yes, since I don’t even visit that subreddit, I do 100% admit that I was angrily calling bullshit on someone for flooding it because I was projecting r/UnexpectedTF2 into it, so if that’s not the case, by all means, correct me and consider all of this ranting pointless… Deep inside I’m just sad with what happened to that subreddit, I actually just clicked there to prove my point, second post on hot is a crosspost from r/PrequelMemes that boils down to saying “hey, look, I entered a TF2 match and someone was (making reference to Star Wars prequels)”, this is a post about TF2, it isn’t unexpected, the subreddit should be renamed r/UpvoteTF2.

With all due respect, I think you highly misinterpreted my message if you think I was attacking the JoJo fan community, because the purpose of my post was not that whatsoever, it was to attack people who drain the soul of subreddits in order to farm karma madly there, which could be stated to be defending the community that cares about the show while attacking the people who invade their community (although I did and do admit that I don’t care about JoJo, just am sad that those kinds of “unexpected subject” subreddits inevitably go down the drain).