The world is depressed! It’s in the news, it’s on television, it’s in the games we play, the characters we create and you can’t escape it. Most would say, “it’s OK, it’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s normal.”

But what if it’s not? What if we were to wake up and realize that our species is mentally suffering? Well, because we are. We’re confused, and for good reason…

The human animal has not physically evolved to any moderate degree over the past 4 thousand years, we know this as it takes many millions of years for this process to take place. Our minds are as they were back in the days of the Roman Empire, the Ancient Egyptians and even the cave dwelling hunter gatherers. Our bodies still produce large amounts of grease during puberty to keep our primitive bodies warm while out on the hunt, except… We don’t hunt, so we get acne as a result. This is just one of the many left over traits from our ancestors, proving that our race is still apt for living as tribes people. And you know what, our society proves that too.

Trump or Hillary? Left or right? Blue or Red? White or Black? Men or Women? Who’s side are you on? Who’s team? Who’s tribe are you in? How easy is it for us to dehumanize the opposition, berate them like babbling apes and even resort to violence, often beating them with our natural chimp like ferocity because “he voted Trump” or “she’s an SJW” or “he’s a white male”

Are we so intelligent? Or are we naught but animals who wield technology gifted to us by the freakishly intelligent of our breed. Did WE invent the computer? Did WE land on the moon? Did WE figure out evolution? Or did a FEW anomalously bright minded people?

And here we are. Technology is evolving at a record rate, but those who use it have barely evolved at all. We are still animals. There is a HUGE gap between the technology we have and our combined maturity to use it. Humans are not evolved enough to handle social media and the sheer amount of responsibility it brings. We’re too emotional, too tribal. The last few generations of young people have been raised by social media, something that can be as beautiful as it is toxic and deadly. Schools are outdated, they do not prepare children, whose minds are so very susceptible to crazy notions and ideas, to use such devices. They grow up surrounded by date sites, chat rooms, #thispersonsucks, call outs, slander and they believe this to be normal, because that’s what it has become. And when you normalize the absurd rules by which we live, you also normalize the ill effects of it, for example… Depression, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, OCD, PTSD and more.

As a species we NEED to be more responsible when using this sort of power. It can ruin the lives of others and oneself. We need to teach children to go out, make friends, socialise, walk, run, jump, invent, create, write and live. Rather than encouraging them to isolate themselves in a digital cage. If we do that, then who knows, perhaps we might start to feel a little happiness in this land of the clinically fuckin’ depressed.