\-NIQUE MON DIEU!!(??) (illegible gibberish) -pardner -Why don’t we just place a JARAtry here -piss -pardner -HOHOHO -HeavyLicious. -HeavyLiciousdadadadada moist delicious -oof -Why don’t we just SHUT DE FACK AP -pardner -OoOh Heavy is Little -Little -Little -Little (x17) -Little maaAAAAaAAn -ha he -Lookit you uoy tikooL Lookit you -Ya look like a COK ran through MY A55 -What yathinkabouttuobaknintay tahW (x4) -Hellol! -thaaaatttaaaahtthaaaat -Ach tun Scoount -II -LOOOVE -SEEEX -HehAAGH -Lookit dis -400,000 Cen-T-Me-Pears (Centimetres) -OwO you are quite the sexhy mother fACKer -pardner -buildinbuildinbuildinbuildin (x69) -(incoherent gibberish) -Aagh -Aagh -AAAAGHH -AAAAGHhh -You just ain’t worth PooTis anymore -(gibberish) They got a SeexS -(moaning) -Alright.. I feel good -AAAARRGHH -Holy mar-AAAGGGHH -Soldier.exe had stopped responding -ScAAOOOut -What’re you lookin’ at? -Hah ya sound like a NEGA -triggered demo -THAT’S RAY CIST -sos sos sos sos sos sAAAUGH sos -sos -Do not.. -rip soldier -nooo -I might’ve taken a bit too much DRUG(s) -Ya lactating c\*nt -DOMINO’S! -HahhooHEEHAAHEA -OOohh -demo has run out of battery -DAAHH -Dat was very VERY SEXHY -I have PICTURE of dis -I am going to FAAAAP to dis -What the hell!? -pardner -Heh! -MoistandMoistandMoistand -Attention! -Mission begins in 5… -NOOOOO -4… -1… -rip hevys nut Ding -FACK -Heavy is not done fAAAAping -Too f\*cking bad for ye cup-AAAAAAHHHHHH cuk rade -Now, come on so we can deploy a building hEEre -ENGINEERS – GO! -Alrightyalrightyalrightyalrightyahh ahh -We need a d-d-d-d-d-dbox of rocks -Riirght here. -And another thing? Scout! -wat -You’re FIRED -trump.png -thAAAt’s whAAAt yAAAAAA get -look at dis -look at dis -look at dis -Look at dis -Look at dis LOOK AT DIS -LOOK AT DIS -LOOK AT DIS -LOOK AT DIS -LOOK AT DIS -What dumb sonofab\*tch -I got 10lbs of pink CRAP in a box! -wat in saaas -Peekaboo! -WHAT HAVE YOU DAAAANE!? -IT’S THE DEVIL’S DIIIIIICK -I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE -SON OF A C\*NT-FACKING CROSS-DRESSING -RoooooR -ROBOT -WoooooooH -AAhe’sgonnaAAAAAAAAAAGHkillmeAAAAAAAAAGH -mass panic -Everyone! -more panic -stoopid -panic -Now! -EVERYONE! SHAAT DE FAK AP -Don’t run! It’s just stoopid Sylveon -IT’S A DEVIL! -Oh, please. -You are all cowards. -Yes! Cowards! -engie rage -GOOOTA MOOVE THAT GEAR UP -Gotta move back to work! -Hah – there ain’t enough blocks in the world to build your stupid crap dummy! -Rrgh -Soooldier! -Si -mexico.png -Beat on that Scout’s sneaky a55 like a moron! -‘Kay -SCOOOOUT -w0t -hehehehe incoming raep -painis -AAARRRGGHHH -rip scoot -Sexnificent shot -pardner -Thanks! -Engineer! -yee -Need Moar Bloks Here! -BLOOL -Alrig-AAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHty then -Spy! -pardner(pardon me) -Go on! Get me some blocks -But where? Hmm… Ding -I know! -That van Sniper calls home! -pardner -Ya bloody p-p-p-p-p-p-pikers(?) -Spytry buster! -rip snepar -With my pleasuregelgh -pAAArdnEEEEr -Job well bacon -JaaJ -Buildin’ -commence building -Dammit! -Not enough… not by a looooong shot, mister -Duck! Bacon Bacon -??? -OOOOOH -? -He-hey look, the frickin’ Heavy sh!ts bricks! -NAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOO -D!ck! Bonk! -NAO! D!ck! Bonk! -NAO! D!ck! Bonk! -NaaaaaAAAAAAOOOOOOOO!!!! -heavy.exe is unstable -aagh -sh!ts actual brick -Ya see that? -I’m done playin’ gay games with you boi -Okay, thisdoesnotlookgoodhereum… -Dragonbourne! FUS RO DAAAHH -rip scoot again -Holy Crap this goes on forever. -rip -Well, that went cock-shaped balbo bilggins -fast -AAAAAGH -Well, that was a susPPRRRIIISSEEEE -pardner -pardner -pardner -pardner -x2 speh laugh -SSSSNNNNOOORRRTTT -Hey! You two should kiss! -Ambassador headshot -I think not. -Well, gotta GIT bacon! -Buildin’ -Erectin… -commence building again -yeeeYeeeye -police car engie -That there’s a gold plated sh!t. -woo -look at all those blocks -HELLOL -I’m of two minds about this not medicine, both are – STOOPID -I believe the Medic is dead.. -Nah! He’s just high. -Cod French Soldier -SOLDIER! SOS! SOLDOS! -wat -PULL! DOWN MY PAANTS! -yaay -FREER! FREE BUTT! SECKS! -pls no -INCUMING! -whenunut.png -S. A. U. C. E. What does this spell? -Sauce! -Sauuce! -sauce -raarger that f\*gots! -HHHHHHH -W0t is that in me bottle of skraaampy? -rip -Agh! What magic is this!? -Spy! -ooh -What happened now? -This is that bottle of Skrumpy you call Skrumpy -Oh! Perfect! -Yes,yes, skrumpy happy memories -pardner -Holy sh!t! -Oh, now would ye look at all those blocks! -Splees-nificent -pardner -Now, everyone back to the building -pardner -Welll, all mEEm -Engineem -What? -Blocks! -Hahahaha -Thanks mister! -Snaaaaans! -Gotta move that -Move that -Move that -Cumin’ right up! -Momoomove! -Now that’s quality! -Attention: Engineers! ..Has almost reached the final terminal -helen.exe has stopped working -Dammit boys, we’d better build this in a big damn hurry -Quick! More Blocks required here! -Indeed! -Man I wish Merasmus was aroundsis wasaroundsis wasaroundsis -Uh, alright… -Infolcum Gigantus in my Pantus! -hehehe… this is actually really GOOD -Argh! Who told you to do that!? -The soldier -nooooooo -Come out Merasmus! Come out of my pantus! -alright -hehehehe -Regeneratum Cresco! -wat -Zat’s a good toothpaste! -Damn I’m tyre’d of looking at you -AAAAAAAAAHHHHHnick! -Merasmus! -YES!? -Deploy blocks here! -Alllright! -deploys blocks -Outf\*ckingstanding! -Let’s Go! -commence even more building -Blamo… -soldier has run out of battery -We did it! -That was an amazing building spree! -BY THE ENGINEER ~~The outcome was never really~~ \-rip -NOOO! -ono ~~That Sylveon is a s~~ \-glitch ~~a s~~ \-a spy! -That was unforrrr…… -rip -Don’t fret boyo, I’ll be yer bloody waifu no -loool -NOOOOOO!!! -Is good! -As promised: Heavy will now FAAAAAP again! -le wank -Ahh! So mois Hahaha -whoooooo -yippie ki yee -Question. -You can always tell a Texan. -I teleported bread up your asses. -wat -hhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhh -Soldier! This is unacceptaasassdbshbadsbfs! -Oh, wats yer name ye pretty little thing? -“dr dre” -rip The EnAAAAHnd.