Stfu guts is before kirito….you give sao an horrible ugly name you stupid furf***.did you make that sh** meme? you casual weeaboo..Hmmm….

please go ********* yourself. and cry like a manchild.You act just like chris chan.And guts will make an awesome teacher for kirito…But You dont think so because you hate guts….and you are an arrogant immature sao fanboy I could tell everyone hates you….even sane sao fans hate you too.:)^^X3
when i hear from idiots such as you whom call Kirito the true Black Swordsman and Guts the knock off causes me physical rage and disgust.Guts is before kirito and i like kirito But i hate you.and i hate immature sao fans such as you.good day ^^ and please go cry in an ditch.most likely you are gonna scream with fanboy rage if you see my comment.Im right and your wrong.:) face the facts kid

Stfu and just lie down and die.You stupid arrogant sao make sao look horrible and i love sao.You stupid 22 year old manchild PIG

I hate you…you are the most…dumbest person i have ever seen…The reason why sao is so hated is because of the dumb arrogant fans such as you…….and the sane sao fans would really want to kill you…oh did you make this crap meme….? Dont you dare play innocent darling you are just an ugly fat fur f####boy. you are just like that idiot doug8798. But you are worse kid. i would love to hurt you.if i saw you on the streets.:)take care you horrible ugly stupid pathetic are an scrub

I think you are on drugs… you are such a stupid ugly weeaboo crackhead….you do spams etc and i hate stupid new age anime fanboys such as you….and you are so ugly….how dare you hate berserk. You stupid weak pig