listen I know the majority of you Reddit children seem to think that everything that involves a cop is a matter of Robin Hood versus the sheriff of Nottingham Forest but in the real world with real people who have real families and real property and interest to protect very few people actually side on the side of the criminal versus the guy who’s trying to protect everyone. I know you’re edgy I know you’re proud of it I know you’re great and we’re all happy for you but before you go spouting off your mouth online try to imagine a world without cops. Try to imagine a world where anyone could just walk up and rape anybody. Try to imagine a world where your mother or father could be murdered with no repercussions and then the next week your sister murdered with no repercussions and then the next week, you murdered. would you be lying there on the ground bleeding out I think yourself “at least one of those pig cops didn’t come save me”?