Treasure Planet is an underrated and based film. I actually blame this movie for my current sci-fi obsession. Before watching it, I was a pretty average normie who liked playing soccer and talking to girls and shit. After seeing this, I got incredibly depressed that I didn’t have a cool mechanical arm like Silver, and I became obsessed with it. I had drawn blueprints and word documents of part lists and all this shit that I thought I would need to get and give myself a mechanical arm with gadgets and junk. It got to the point where my therapists told my mom that I couldn’t be alllowed near sharp objects because of some dreams I told them about where I cut off my own arm and attached my home-made Long John Silver arm. She freaked the fuck out and hid all the knives we had, and my dad had to cut my food for me for the longest time. He finally stopped doing this when I left for college… It’s been a good month of freedom so far but they still call me every fucking day asking if I’m ok on my own. Ffs, they even told my brother who’s here at school to keep an eye on me and he keeps coming by with boxes of pre-cut food. I still eat it because, hey, free food but its so fucking infuriating.

Also, I really liked Mr. Arrow, he didn’t take shit from anyone.