Please refrain from utilising your devices during the English program’s period. It is extremely disrespectful to the teacher and our fellow classmates who have put in countless hours – nay, days – and their blood, sweat, and tears into setting up this session. How could you even **consider** using your phone during this sacred period? Unacceptable.

I hope you review your heinous activities, recognise them for the atrocities they are, and repent. I had thought better of you, given your prestigious position as a Discord Moderator. Unfortunately, after your crimes, I have been forced to revoke your position of “Senior Moderator” and the privileges it entails. Your Discord masters will be ashamed of ever collaborating with you, and will declare you “blacklisted”.

One day, after your crimes are made known to the world, your loved ones – friends, family – will look upon you with disgust and horror, and weep. The relevant authorities will rush to your location to apprehend you. And even on the off-chance that you escape, you will be hunted down, pursued – you will go down in history not as a legend, but as a monster, one of society’s worst creations. Your entry in the history books will be placed next to the likes of the worst dictators the world has ever seen.

Your children will look upon you and cry a thousand tears and wail “Why, father. Why?”. I hope you eventually find peace with your actions and turn over a new leaf, but I highly doubt that day will ever come. I’m sorry but it must to be this way. Goodbye.