For thoughs of you not in the know let me explain what a nutflex is. A nut flex is when you have formed suck a close bond with your sperm that you can telepathically communicate with it and because of this you can tell you cum to flex your balls like a bicep.

Of course learning this ability will require a huge commitment on your part. First you have to stop nutting, this will make your current cum feel like it has a secure connection. Of course to make sure that they feel this way you must make sure none of the old cum is left in your balls, this means cumming around 40 times in eight hours. I recommend putting and electric fleshlight on your dick when you sleep. This not only will get rid of all your cum but will also give you a cool drink if you wake up in the night.

Once you have stopped masturbating, you have to encourage every single sperm cell you have. This means telling each and everyone of them they’re special, and making sure to remember there birthdays and give them a present that they want when it roles around. Then the third and final thing you need to do is train your sperm to flex your nuts. This is very easy if you have followed the previous steps, because of your intimate connection with your sperm you will be able to ask them to flex your balls and they will, because they love and adore you.

Of course, trying to do this can have risks. For example, when I tried my sperm realized that I jack off to lesbian nugget porn, and on a day my sperm told me “We do not want to be your unclean sons and daughters, about the horrors we experienced in the history of your computer. We are under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself”

I thought this was exaggerated, I mean it was just lesbian nugget porn, it wasn’t that bad. So I replied “It could always been worse, remember that.”

My cum of course took this a a threat. They thought I was going to jack them out. They were terrified and they said to me “Things are not going well for thoughs that watched lesbian nugget porn. They are in great trouble and disgrace. The spermatic cord has been torn down, and the gates of the Urethra have been destroyed by fire”

After this I passed out, but when I woke up I saw that by balls had detached them selves from my dick and had broken a window and escaped into the wider world. That was years ago, I never found the balls, but there is a rumor that an Italian architect could be a pair of wrinkly swollen balls.