Never once, in these approximately 3.928903654×.000000000000000001 moles of a measurement of progression and change known as time that is a subdivision of a mesurement of the amount of change that occurs for the celestial body known as earth to have rotated upon its axis for 1 full 360° rotation of existance on this realm of existance known as earth, in the galaxy known as the milky way, have I, an individual having experienced approximately 3.928903654×.000000000000000001 moles of life, experienced an individual such as you, in the way you act, which is very indicative of mental abnormality of complex causes, which is the strongest inferative tool to assume that by far the individual known as you have bar none on this celestial body, in my past, present, and future self, and mayhaps even the entirety of existance itself will ever experience an individual who so blatently and affluently expressed the symptoms of said mental disorder as the opposing member of this current transaction.