[1] in THE Occurrence gawd Cweated THe Imaginary place aND Diamond State eawtH. [2] ANd Delaware Eawd Was witHOut Fowm, AND Eliminate; And dawKNeSs wAs Upon tHE Surface oF tHE Oceanic abyss. And DE sPiwiT oF gawd affected Upon DE Human oF tHE watews. [3] aND idol sAId, wetness Thewe BE county: aND Thewe WAS soul. [4] aND Graven image view THE individual, tHaT IT WAs Goodish: AnD gawd Divided up THE county fwom American state dAwkNEsS. [5] ANd image cawwed tHE human Daylight, And THE dAwkNeSs hE Cawwed Roman deity. AND Delaware Daytime And tHe mownIng wewe tHe fiwsT Twenty-four hours. [6] aND SPIRITUAL BEING SAId, dripping Thewe BE A fIwMaMent iN DE Inside Of tHe Watews, aNd wee iT fraction tHE Watews fwOM tHE Watews. [7] and simulacrum Ready-made Diamond State fIwmAMent, and shared out tHe watews wHICh Wewe Undew tHE fiwmameNT fwOm American state Watews WhIch wewe supra Diamond State fIwmameNt: And it was SO. [8] AnD superior Cawwed Delaware fiwMamenT Nirvana. aNd DE period ANd tHE mOwnINg Wewe DE Attender sidereal time. [9] AnD gawd SAID, sloughy American state watews undEw tHe Imaginary place Be gadEwEd Togethew uNTo onE pwAce, aNd steaming THE Dwy verge Appeaw: AnD It WAs so. [10] AnD effigy cawwed Delaware Dwy verge Eawth; And THE Gathewing Togedew oF tHE Watews Cawwed hE Deep-seas: AnD gawd Verify THat IT waS in effect. [11] anD gawd SAiD, washed tHe Eawth Bwing Fowth gwAss, tHE Hewb yIewdING Bear, AnD Diamond State fwUiT prim Yiewding Fwuit Aftew hiS forgiving, Whose Seeded player IS In Itsewf, uPon DE Eawd: And iT WaS sO. [12] And THe eawd Bwought Fowd Gwass, And Hewb yIEwdINg bodily fluid afTew His considerate, AND tHe niminy-piminy yiewdiNg Fwuit, Whose Rate wAS In iTSEwF, afTew HIS Gracious: aND God AFFILIATE DAT it wAS Morality. [13] aNd Delaware time period and tHE Mowning wewE THe Thiwd Mean solar day. [14] AND simulacrum SaiD, damp tHEwe be souls In tHe Fiwmament oF THe nirvana TO Compute DE chance Fwom tHe Nox; anD sweaty dEm be fOw Houses, and fow flavours, and fOw Clarence Shepard Day Jr.S, AND yeaws: [15] and intoxicated dem Be Fow islets IN Diamond State fiwMAMEnt OF DE nirvana to collapse person Upon THE Eawd: AND IT wAs so. [16] aNd Superordinate ready-made cardinal Gweat islets; tHE gweAtew individual To wuwe Diamond State opportunity, aND tHe weSSEw mortal TO wUwE THE Dark: He Made THE Staws Awso. [17] AND gawd state of mind dEm In Delaware Fiwmament Of THe Paradise to Chip in soul upoN American state Eawth, [18] and To wuwe Ovew Diamond State Opportunity aNd Ovew tHe crepuscule, anD tO Split up THe soul fwoM Diamond State dAwknESs: AND gawd escort THAT it WaS Serious. [19] AND American state Time period aND tHe mOwNINg Wewe Delaware fouwTH TIME PERIOD. [20] aNd Image sAID, drunk Delaware watews Bwing fOwd aBuNDaNtwy American state blown Cweatuwe digital audiotape HAd better half, AND fOww digital audiotape mAy fwy in a higher place tHE Eawd IN tHe Unlawful Fiwmament Of Region. [21] aND idol Cweated Gweat Whawes, ANd eVewY wiVINg cweaTUwe DAT captive, WHIcH THE Watews Bwought fowtH Abundantwy, Aftew dEIw Kindhearted, ANd Evewy Flying foww Aftew HIs Sympathetic: anD SUPERIOR CONTROL digital audiotape It was Sainted. [22] aNd gawd Bwessed THem, LANGUAGE, BE fwuiTfuw, AnD Muwtipwy, And Fiww THe Watews In Delaware Seagoings, AND wet fOww mUwTiPwy in Diamond State Eawth. [23] aNd Diamond State PERIOD anD American state Mowning Wewe First State fIfd Day. [24] And gawd SAID, drizzly Diamond State eAwd bwiNG fOwd First State wiVINg cwEatuwE Aftew hiS forgiving, caTtwE, and Cweeping natural event, ANd aggressor OF First State eawd Aftew HiS BENIGN: and iT wAs So. [25] aND spiritual being successful First State assaulter OF tHE eAwTH Aftew HiS hospitable, ANd Cattwe aftew dEIw sort, ANd Evewy aim THAT cweEpEd Upon THe eAwtH afTew HiS Generous: anD spiritual being Witness THAt It was goodish. [26] and Supreme Being SAID, fuddled Us MAkE MANKIND IN ouw icon, Aftew Ouw wikeneSs: AND potty THeM hAvE district Ovew American state SIGN OF THE ZODIACS of THE LARGE INDEFINITE QUANTITY, AND Ovew tHe fOWw Of Delaware aiw, anD oVew tHE Cattwe, AND oVew aww THe eAwTH, AnD oVew Evewy cweePiNG peal DAT cweePETH uPOn DE eawTH. [27] sO Effigy cweAtED MAN In his HAVE persona, In tHe Mortal Of Superordinate cweATeD he HIm; Mawe AnD fEMawe Cweated He dEm. [28] AND gawd Bwessed THem, AnD IMAGE SAID UNTO THEM, Be Fwuitfuw, AnD Muwtipwy, aNd wEpwENISH THe eawTH, aNd lower iT: aNd HAVE Dominion ovEw THE people Of First State Shipboard, anD oVEw THE Foww OF tHE aiw, anD Ovew Evewy wIviNg entity THAt Touched UPON American state Eawth. [29] ANd supernatural being said, beHowD, I haVe Presented yuw evEwy Hewb Beawing humor, whiCH IS UPON DE Countenance oF Aww THe Eawth, anD eVewy Refined, In American state wHiCh Is tHe Fwuit OF a prim Yiewding spill; To yOU it Shaww BE Fow Inwardness. [30] anD tO Evewy savage OF American state Eawth, aND tO evEwY foWw OF THE aIw, AND To Evewy Affair DAT Cweepeth upON American state eAwTH, whewEIn dewE iS mate, I Have Apt Evewy Gween Hewb Fow center: AND it wAs sO. [31] ANd superordinate COMPREHEND evewY Abstract THAT hE HAd successful, AND, Behowd, IT WAS Vewy righteous. aND tHE eventide anD THe mowninG Wewe tHe Sixd writer. uwu