Last night, the pornography urges really kicked in. I did not do my daily Rosary and the effects were incredible. I was fantasizing about just one peek at Facebook considering different photos to look at.

I was about to do it when God saved me at the last second – a spider. Seeing the arachnid sent a shiver down my spine and neutralized my urges. I killed it and returned to my business.

For a second time, the urges returned. I was rationalizing why I should do it; I had access to confession before Mass today, so I would only be in a state of mortal sin for about 12 hours. Still, I was able to shake it off a bit and go to the bathroom.

I was in the bathroom when God came to my rescue again. I looked outside and saw a rather large insect zooming across my carpet. The insect zoomed with terrifying quickness under one of my sneakers. NOPE. This thing was fast, so I decided to do something ridiculous: I poured shampoo on both sides of the shoe, right on the carpet. I then got two other shoes, plugged the cracks under my sneaker, and started moving my sneaker so as to crush the insect. It somehow crawled out but was moving slowly enough for me to kill it with a shield I was holding. It was a centipede. NOPE. However, the urges were gone. I hopped in bed and fell asleep while praying the Rosary.

This morning, I woke up and began praying the Rosary about ten minutes later. I was feeling much better, but last night’s temptations had left lingering images in my mind. After finishing the five Glorious Mysteries, I decided to walk to the bathroom and prepare for Mass. I open the door and BOOM. SPIDER. After a minute or so, it was killed and disposed of. I finished the Rosary and went to Mass, begging Christ to take the urges away from me.


[Holy Sauce](