Please, mods. I’ve been here since the 2018 History-Anime brigading wars. I remember peaceful times when our sub would just post sauceless hentai on [r/shrek]( and get away with it. When we spammed 177013 on [r/dankmemes]( and got called “Virgin Fag\*ots who should go kill themselves.” That time we made an awesome political community with a very funny group name. Where did the fun times go?

Where did the [r/animemes]( I know and love go? Doing something this rash without even consulting me. Am I just a random degenerate to you? I thought what we had was special. I cherished every moment I had with you. But this? This goes too far. You can’t do this to me. I loved you.

What about Astolfo? Feris-chan, even. Goddamn, this is so frustrating! What, you’re just gonna throw away our relationship? Our relationship that we spent 2 years working on! We’ve had our fair share of struggles, I know. But we talked and worked through it all!

Please, if you really loved me. Let me say this word.