That meme you posted earlier was very funny, you know the one captioned “Reddit Account Created” with a video of a man becoming fat? Anyways, Reddit is actually the last collection of free thinking and enlightened individuals on the internet, so you should do your research before you post more images like these. Also, you should know that redditors are not “fat” like your image suggested, and are very fat critical, but go on about your unfounded beliefs while I sit here atop a throne made of all the Reddit Gold and 69,420 updoots I’m going to get by posting you to r/kidsarefuckingstupid. By the way, good luck finding a new job since all of reddit now knows your discord username, you are going to be hacked within minutes… if you are going to attempt to hack me though you should know that I use a VPN and linux so I would like to see you try. Reddit out.