This whole thing is stupid. Like. toddlers spitting on their fingers are more intelligent than everyone here getting angry at media kind of stupid.

Its okay to have fiction/media with negative social qualities.

Insisting fiction cant have content because it is morally objectionable is the exact same mentality of “dont play violent games”

virtue signaling over shit that literally didnt happen is a sign of brain rot.

Sorry not all humor (content in general) present day or otherwise, doesnt appeal to you but that doesnt make the people creating or the content itself problematic.

Unless you can point to the mass problems caused by these films or produts you morons are quite literally yelling at nothing and happy that people are not able to create and enjoy varrying kinds of media.

Social media was such a fucking mistake. Fun fact about social media. It has caused multiple violent criminals. That joke you talked about? Literally nothing. Not one victim of any kind.

**You are angry at a joke from the 50s that harmed nothing while you sit on reddit which has been a tool for doxxing, harrasment, death threats and lots more acting as if not laughimg at a 50 year old joke makes you a better person… somehow.**

You people make me want to drink fucking poison daily.

**imagine being so fucking stupid that fiction causing zero problems and harming literally nobody gets you angry**

Fiction from over 40 years ago no less.

“At least disney warns about their outdated content” – idiot somewhere in his thread.

Yea. Disney is great. Member that time they killed animals? member that time hey filmed in an area with human rights violations?

So progressive of disney…………

Fiction doesnt cause problems. Real people do.

Chances are when someone tries to APPEAR good (Like you, the people here and disney as the previous example)

**It just means you are lazy self righteous fools who attribute fantasy to reality and only care about how you look in the moment. Have any of you yelling about sexism, or any issue, do anything past yelling at actors, fake circumstances and outdated criticism? I am willing to bet my entire career you lot bitching about media do nothing, create nothing, help no one and have no actual activity that helps others.**

All people like YOU can do is yell at other people acting like your points and mentality are valid over social media forums.

You people are fucking shallow, petty and disgusting.