
4+-0-2 dart

0-5-2 dart (with ability)

x-x-5 dart

5-0-2 boomerang (with Glave Circle)

0-4+-2 boomerang (with ability and requires Bionic Augmentation MK)

x-x-5 bomb (with ability)

5-x-x tack (with meteor)

2+-x-x ice

2-4+-0 glue (with ability)

2-0-4+ glue (with blobs)

x-x-5 glue (with blobs)

1+-1+-0 sniper

x-4+-x sniper

2+-2+-0 sub (with Advanced Intel)

5-0-2 bucc

0-2+-2+ bucc

5-2-0 ace

x-3+-x ace

0-2-4+ ace

3+-2-0 heli

0-2-3+ heli

x-x-3+ mortar

4+-2-0 dartling

x-3+-x dartling

4+-0-2 wizard

0-1+-2+ wizard (with meteor)

0-2+-2+ wizard (with Wall of Fire)

0-3+-2 wizard (with Dragon’s breath)

x-4+-x wizard (with ability)

x-5-x wizard (with Phoenix or ability)

x-x-3+ wizard (with Shimmer, requires other lead-popping tower after it)

x-x-4+ wizard (with reanimated Bloons)

2+-0-2+ super

x-x-4+ super

x-x-3+ ninja (with Flash Bomb)

2+-x-x alch (when giving Acidic Mixture Dip to any tower with camo detection)

5-x-x druid

1+-5-0 druid (with Track Vines)

2+-x-x Spactory

5-x-x village (with Super Ballista)

x-2+-x (when buffing other lead-popping tower)

x-3+-x (when buffing any monkey)

x-3+-x engineer (with Cleansing Foam)


lvl 7+ Quincy (exploding arrows)

lvl 3+ Gwen (Cocktail)

lvl 10+ Gwen (Firestorm)

Lvl 10+ Obyn (Wall of Trees)

Lvl 16+ Obyn (Brambles)

Lvl 6+ Churchill

Lvl 10+ Ben (Syphon Funding)

Lvl 1+ Ezili

Lvl 5+ Brickell (When boosting other water tower with Narval Tactics. Boosted tower needs to have camo detection)

Lvl 7+ Brickell (Sea Mines)

Lvl 8+ Brickell (When boosting any other water tower with Narval Tactics)

Lvl 8+ Etienne (When buffing any other lead-popping tower)

Lvl 10+ Etienne (UCAV)

Lvl 20+ Etienne (Perma-UCAV)

Lvl 3+ Sauda (Leaping Sword)

Lvl 10+ Sauda (Sword Charge)

Lvl 13+ Sauda

Lvl 6+ Psi

Lvl 3+ Geraldo (When buffing any other lead-popping tower with See Invisibility Potion)

Lvl 8+ Geraldo (When Gerry’s Fire is put on other tower with camo detection)

Lvl 10+ Geraldo (With 4 Pet Rabbits)

Lvl 12+ Geraldo (With Genie Bottle)

Lvl 16 Geraldo (With Nail Mine’s explosion)


Super Monkey Storm

Road Spikes

Camo Trap (Requires other lead popping monkey after it)

Monkey Knowledge:

Pre-Game Prep