The year was 2024, it had been 3 years since John Cena had sold his soul to China, two since he was forced to move there from what was once known as the United States. It was not for the hate he received but for what came after. Like a Hurricane the worst part comes after the storm, when you are forced to sit in the rubble of what once was your reputation, and you are ignored and forgotten. His motto had always been *“You Can’t see me!”*, that made people want to see him, now that they finally saw what he was he was, they no longer wanted to see him (poetic genius).

Of course, he was no longer know has John Cena but as 約翰·塞納同志. His new Chinese “friend” used to make fun of him at the start for having a girl’s name,he did not think much about at first not until he learned what “friend” really meant. It was during his tour of China for ***Fast and Furious 27 Red Dragon Strike back against White monkey***, where he met Uncle Xi. While backstage he had paid the disgraced wrestler a surprise visit.

“習師兄 what do I own this pleasure” he said.

The Supreme leader smirked and closed the room behind him and replied.

“*This China, Pleasure is owned by state, and I am state, now pleasure me*!”.

John Sino looking baffled asked


With a chuckle his Chinese overlord replied, “*You no suckie ma spring rollo, I blockie the moviuru*.”

*“No, you can’t”.*

 Inside of him he was questioning if he ought to KO him, or just accept his request. After all he was only worth 200 million, a beggar compared to those in Chinese high society, he could not have the movie blocked.

“*I’ll do what I must 習師兄, just please don’t block the movie*”

“VERIU Gooduru”

With a smug face Xi removed his pants and retracted his shirt to reveal an underlying red t-shirt. John Sino could not but noticed the likeness to the animated cartoon Winnie the
Poo. Maybe that image would help him to cross this threshold.  As he began to pleasure the honey bear, he reminded himself just to think about Lao Gan Ma, it is chemical taste could make everything taste tasteless like his life have started to (Woah). He finally reaches a flow while the Leader interrupted him.

“*Yu uselessuru 白猴 that’s not how you suckaru a dickuru.*”

The unsatified leader then reached for his Huawei and dialed.

“*Yessuru you come now! And show John Sino how to suckaru a dickuru!*”

John Sino could not but wonder what that person could be. It somewhat made him feel
better that there were others that had sold their decency, but at the same time like a criminal seeing his son follow the father footstep he could not shake a feeling of sadness.

“*You no commuru to make me commuru I block MBA yu then homelles and peer*!”

The feeling quickly turned to disgust and the Sadness as the caller replied with an unmistakable sadness and John Sino could finally put a face to the mysterious voice.

“I’ll be there ASAP 習師兄.”

Le Bron not you too

(To be continued, IF I DON’T GET Killed)