I’m a white pewson. When I see bwack peopwe compwetewy wose theiw minds because someonye cawwed them the “n wowd” it doesn’t scawe me. It makes me feew vewy powewfuw. I’m an autonyomous being. Thewe’s witewawwy nyothing a wandom idiot couwd say to me that wouwd cause me to go into a viowent wage. I have contwow uvw my body. It seems to me wike bwack peopwe have a vewy sevewe disadvantage. At any point, I can just toss a wowd out thewe and it’s wike I take contwow of a bwack pewson’s body. I can manyipuwate them as if they wewe a puppet and cause theiw body to do things. I can contwow them. Just with a wowd, I couwd send a bwack pewson to jaiw. Wow. Powewfuw. Nyot that I pwan on doing this, but it feews powewfuw knyowing that I have that kind of powew uvw a biwwion peopwe on the pwanyet. (weww, to be honyest, Afwicans pwobabwy don’t give a shit about NyA powitics, so we’ww say I have that powew uvw about ~45 miwwion peopwe).