“Blue Album and Pinkerton Purists” aren’t real Weezer fans. There’s plenty of great tunes within the albums that have come after, that those two albums didn’t already cover artistically or lyrically. Every single song tying pre-2000s Weezer into the current Weezer is only pure fan service and pandering to these purists..It’s a shitty tactic to get sales from these “fans” while not actually exploring artistically or delivering a message worth saying. Mentioning “The shack”, “drugs” and a “return to form”, isn’t enough to convince me that it isn’t all just a shitty sales tactic. It’s fan service wankery given “hit single” treatments and it’s just sad, this is why EWBAITE wasn’t that huge commercially (looking at you Back To The Shack).

Anyone born before 1983 need not comment, you were too jaded by life and growing old to form unbiased opinions well before Green Album was out.