Authleft: when your ideology is focused on equality, yet everytime it’s implemented, 99 percent of the population suffers. Exactly what you say happens with capitalism (only the 1 percent prosper) lmao. “But it wasn’t real communism” shut up. Maybe .. just maybe… it wasn’t “real” communism because people took advantage of it, which is exactly what happens! Go talk to a centrist, you’re too hungry to think straight.

Authright: why the fuck are people here? There’s a reason why you get banned from every platform in existence; not because you’re “oppressed” or that other quadrants can’t “respect other people’s beliefs” it’s just that you’re a fuckin asshole. Maybe whites aren’t superior, because genetically it’s been proven all races are basically equal? And making other people suffer by invading countries and establishing dictatorships? Just shut the hell up and “go back to where you came from”- a tiny, insignificant sperm. I wish.

Libleft- geezus Christ I can’t. I thought the left was supposed to be tolerant, yet you ruin someone’s life for a slightly offensive joke made years ago, and automatically assume all whites are racist? There are people in your quadrant that literally hate all men/whites. Statues, dogs, everything is racist. Maybe, just maybe, focusing and talking about race all the time has the opposite effect of what you intend? For the ones that “wanna be more like Norway” And hate the race shit? Sorry, but they have a free market. And not everyone should just get free shit. Y’all’s hair color looks like the political compass.

Libright- when your entire ideology is based on suppressing government control, yet when corporations become as dominating as the government it’s all fine. Geez, I can’t imagine living in that corporate hell- look at what Disney and nestle are doing. You guys sure want to get rid of a lot of things- roads, driver licenses, laws….. how about we get rid of another thing. This shitshow of a quadrant. Maybe some regulations and governments building roads to help people, and requiring citizens pay a little back, aren’t automatically fuckin 1984. Lmao!

Centrists- hey maybe instead of grilling fkn wieners all the time, you can actually educate yourself on fkn politics! Can you get off the grill for one damn second! Just. Fuckin. PICK and ideology, instead of either eating a burger or deepthroating a wiener! Thank you for not caring about everyone! Neoliberal scum, fuck you too!