Today on national geographic we have a wild weeaboo in its natural habitat.

Wild weeaboos are extremely ugly. They are aware of being hideous disgusting goblins. Due to this they use forms of cloth or other non-transparent forms of material. This is to protect themselves from society’s judgmental views.

These vile creatures live in dark and damp areas. Weeaboos tend to avoid sunlight and 3-dimensional humans whenever possible. This lifestyle means that weeaboos should not be able to produce, yet their population has been increasing exponentially in the past 2 decades. They surround themselves with fictional drawings, books, posters, and even pillows. Weeaboos have strong sexual urges towards these drawings. Weeaboos gravitate towards characters that appeal young. This is due to a believe that these adolescent drawings appear to be more fertile, in their view. Because of this freakish desire, normal humans incapable of abstract thoughts(also known as normies), weeaboos are shunned and attacked on a daily basis.

Weeaboos are very sociable within their culture. The weeaboo survives by jacking their diminutive pork swords to their cartoon porn. Weeaboos become unsatisfied jerking off to the same drawing constantly. To combat this, they have built highly complex and intelligent cults to share their cartoon porn within their society. Their porn are often shared through direct links or a sequence of numbers. It is unknown how they communicate using only a series of 6 digits. These carefully placed digits can only be interpreted by weeaboos and gods apparently.

In rare circumstances, the weeaboo still cannot be satisfied. They go to the farthest length by commencing sexual intercourse with their body pillows. The younger the character appears, the more violent it can get, and it can sometimes be lethal. As seen in the clip the unfortunate body pillow was a victim of this act of terror. The poor soul was abused to such immeasurable conditions. The weeaboo stripped the body pillow of it’s flesh and humanity. The remains left are bones, unfit for weeaboo consumption or satisfaction.

The weeaboo is a bizarre organism indeed. It’s unique ability to only mate with fictional characters means they should have been extinct. However, they continue to grow and thrive in modern history scientists cannot explain.