i’ve $een muwtipwe p0$t$ aw0und hewe $aying th@ they ju$t d0ne enj0y game$ anym0we, 0w th@ they feew 0vewwhewmed by theiw backw0g 0w $0mething. /-\\nd i $w0we th@ i’d nevew bec0me 0ne 0f th0$e pe0pwe.

i made the mi$take 0f pwaying thwee vewy w0ng game$ @ the $ame time (the witchew 3, bwavewy defauwt & 0kami hd). /-\\nd i’ve been pwaying them f0w $0 w0ng th@ i’m beginning t0 get buwned 0ut, & i want t0 pway $0me 0f the 0thew game$ in my backw0g, th@ n0w incwude$ aw0und 20 game$. /-\\nd m0$t 0f th0$e awe w0ng rpg’$, $impwy becau$e th@’$ my fav0wite genwe.

the i$$ue i$ n0t th@ i’m n0t enj0ying the game$. I weawwy am enj0ying them & i want t0 fini$h them. 🅱️ut i’ve been pwaying each game f0w ab0ut 30 h0uw$ n0w, & i ju$t want t0 pway $0mething ew$e. 🅱️ut i kn0w th@ if i $tawt an0thew game, i ju$t have m0we $tuff th@ i want t0 fini$h.

thi$ ha$ uwtim@ewy made gaming $twe$$fuw f0w me. 🅱️ecau$e i want t0 maintain a $0ciaw wife, g0 t0 $ch00w, d0 h0mew0wk, wead b00k$ & ju$t wive a n0wmaw wife, whiwe $tiww having time t0 pway game$. 🅱️ut i ju$t feew wike i’m nevew g0ing t0 get thw0ugh my backw0g & the game$ i’m cuwwentwy pwaying. I aw$0 d0n’t want t0 $t0p pwaying any 0f the game$ i’m cuwwentwy pwaying, $ince th@ w0uwd make it feew wike i’ve wa$ted $0 much time.

i gue$$ my que$ti0n i$ – h0w t0 y0u guy$ h&we gaming $twe$$? /-\\ny tip$? thank y0u, & i weawwy h0pe i’m n0t $0unding t00 neg@ive.