I’m really sensitive to spirits, so I get “vibes” and see things all the time, but it always gets worse when my mental health is bad. Evil spirits LOVE a weak mind. As long as you are protected and really focus on your mental health, evil spirits can’t really effect you. They won’t stop without a fight though. One time I was sitting on a field (i live in a famous town, and the field was used in a war, so lots of spirits) and I was communicating with this really sweet old soldier who was just telling me his story, and then I felt another presence and the soldier kind of faded a little. This new spirit was telling me he was friends with the soldier, but the soldier told me he did not know the spirit. I felt icky about it and told the spirit to leave us alone, and to go back to where it came from, and that it was not allowed to effect me or the soldier. And the next thing I knew, I was getting super dizzy and then everything went black, and when I woke up with a small nosebleed, the kind soldier told me that I was okay, it was an evil spirit, but that he protected me because of my kindness. It was scary, but cool.