I got in a facebook debate with my buddy about DJ’s and The Chainsmokers. Had a few friends text me saying they loved it so I figured i’d post it and see other peoples thoughts.

The chainsmokers are the definition of what is wrong with EDM. With their playlists consisting of other artists remixes of their own songs, the only reasons they are popular is because of the mainstream college kids who want to do nothing other than hear a catchy chorus and snapchat the drop. The Chainsmokers have yet to produce a single track expressing creativity, any source of talent, or an understanding of different EDM genres. Their most popular songs are the remixes by other artists and if that isnt a red flag i dont know what is.

If The Chainsmokers were to never perform again, the EDM world would flourish and grow to become better than it was before. They are a cancerous tumor spreading the select song characteristics that make EDM ‘all sound the same’ to the haters out there trying to give the music a bad name. The day they make en EP thats not shadow produced or are capable of getting away from the EXACT SAME hook they use in every single song…. is the day i will CONSIDER them a talented duo.

Until then they can go and entertain college kids vomiting on each other at gold cup