Fuck you, stupid fuck. Reddit is a place of CULTURE, And you insult this platform and society every time you comment, you are the suicide bomber of our culture.

Puss in boots is the #1 movie of all time, while SHREK FUCKING 2 has NO SCENES with a glass of milk being drank by a cat.

Did you watch the movie? Did you see this image and just ASSUME it was Shrek 2, without checking? You put yourself in a place of ridicule and criticism for the purpose of trying to deceive the few who are ignorant enough to follow in your ways.

Foul creature, I tell you, your plan has failed. In this place, your comment has failed to be a trick to any, as puss and boots reigns supreme to falsification of information. Puss and boots is strong, through your life and through the life of many.

As you crash to the ground, trying to take as many people with you as possible, remember one thing. You have failed.