You-? You fucking what, bitch? Did you just fucking say “I-“? Is that what you fucking did? Listen you fuckhead, me or the other 7 billion people on Earth don’t fucking care. If you spit it out or gave a better response than this shit, maybe some of us would, yet here we are. God I fucking hope you never reproduce. So answer us, what did you fucking do? Did you just create a homemade bomb? Did you just kill someone and you hid the body? What the absolute fuck did you do? “I-” my fucking ass. Did you just get murdered halfway through typing? Well, that doesn’t make sense because if you did, you wouldn’t actually type the “-” in, unless your fingers touched it as you died. I swear to fucking god, if you say that shit again, I will shove your foot up your nostrils. Stop fucking using that shit, you sound like a 14 year old white girl when you do. Or maybe you actually are? Probably. God, never do this shit again. I can’t even imagine how disappointed your pare- no, your entire fucking bloodline is. Your ancestors probably all simultaneously shit themselves and also cummed once they saw you say that shitty response. I bet once you enter heaven, God will deny your ass and fucking throw you into hell as if he was throwing a javelin. I bet even Satan would hate your ass and you would get your own special seat reserved in hell. Jesus fucking Christ, the entire earth probabl- no, it DOES fucking hate you. Not even mosquitos would get near your ass, no matter how good your blood tastes. So next time your diseased ass responds, never fucking do this, or I will shove three hundred wasps up your ass. Adios, retard.