I make plan to earn money by telling smolbois what $eX means Say theres 20 people per class and theres 5 sections, theres gonna be atleast 10 people in each section who wanna know what it means, so that means I’ll be earning 690 per classroom, that’s 3,450 from all 5 sections. Now suppose the 4th graders are dirty bois too and they wanna know what the word means too. And they have the same populations, 20 people per class and 5 sections. I could increase the rate to 420 dollars for the word and those retards wouldn’t even notice. They spend thousands on ABortnite skins anyway. So that’s 4,200 per class. Total from all 5 sections of 4th grade I’ll get 21,000. Total 24,450. Now I dont think the 3rd graders would wanna know because they’re too busy watching Cocomelon. So what you can do is fail 5th grade and stay back in 5th grade the next year. You can repeat your process and get 24,450 again, that’s 48,900. Say I invest in a few stocks and make some acquaintances. I spread my business idea to other schools students and they get in on the business too. So I basically start a Bad-Word-Meaning-Revealing Mafia. Say theres 5 other schools part of my little plan. And they run at the same rate. They’ll be getting 24,450. Suppose I made an agreement getting 45% of that because I started it all and I could end their operations by starting another faction in that school. So that’s 11,002. And from all the 5 schools that’s 55,012. So per year I’ll be making 24,450 + 55,012, that’s 79,462. Now, spread your influence even more to 5 more schools, and I’m making 134,474 dollars a year. Now I can shift schools after failing, for 10 years and I’ll make 1,344,740, that’s 1.3 Million dollars at the end of 10 years. And all this time I’ll be in 6th grade (keep your parents hostage at gunpoint or something)

so I’ll go upto 7th grade, continue my business. So in 7th grade I’ll be worth 1.3 Million dollars and at the end of 7th grade, net worth would be $1,479,214. And obviously in all this time my influence would extend even more. To say, 20 more schools. And that’s 244,490 per year. Say I extended the influence in 5 of the 10 years. So thats- 672,370 + 1,222,450. And that’s 1,894,820 dollars at the end 7th grade. In the meantime I could start a record label too, and sign a good artist to it. Say he releases a good album and it goes 1 time platinum (1 Million copies sold) and each copy was 13 dollars so that’s 13 Million dollars from that album. Say the record label and the artist have a 70-30 revenue split for an album between them. So my label gets 9.1 Million. And say 70% of that goes to managing the label and the employees, so that’s 2.7 Million for me. Now suppose the artist releases 1 album every year, for 5 years. That’s 13.6 Million at the end of 10 years for me solely from the record label. That plus the Bad-Word Mafia’s earnings means I will have made $15,544,820 at the end of 7th grade.