logal paul and jake paul jump in a canal


in Italy its illegal to swim in canals in italy

subject matter jurisdiction and International criminal law means as a US citizen you can be charged for crimes that illegal in other countries

importantly around 9:30 in the video there are some clips of Venice taken from a drone this is likely a major offense. Depending on the size of said drone and whether or not

• ⁠the pilot has a license (which i doubt) • ⁠they had a permission (which i also highly doubt)

there could be a very hefty fine and even some jailtime for flying. For sure it’s a 516€, seizure of drone and jailtime between 6 months and a year for violating zone p234 link to government pdf listing all forbidden flying zones.([https://eaip.austrocontrol.at/all/da/170302/AIP/enr/enr5/ENR5-1-1.pdf](https://eaip.austrocontrol.at/all/da/170302/AIP/enr/enr5/ENR5-1-1.pdf))

More about flying a drone in Venice with specific laws and everything in this drone thread from a specialised forum, check user Placidof’s comment there for further and more specific info.([https://phantompilots.com/threads/restricted-flight-zone-italy-venice.84044/](https://phantompilots.com/threads/restricted-flight-zone-italy-venice.84044/))

List of all infractions also committed with relative fine and specific law broken:

• ⁠swimming in canal, 450€, cfr. art. 23 del Regolamento di Polizia Urbana • ⁠worn nothing but underwear/swimsuit in public area, cfr. art. 12 Regolamento di Polizia Urbana • ⁠feeding pigeons, 50 to 200€, cfr. art. 24 del Regolamento Comunale di Igiene Urbana Veterinaria e sul Benessere degli Animali

• ⁠If we consider ‘filming for YouTube’ a ‘mestiere girovago’ (basically translates to professional activity without the necessity of a fixed location of practice – consider that ‘photographer’ is included in the definition\[[https://live.comune.venezia.it/it/2017/07/maxi-sanzioni-le-violazioni-al-regolamento-di-polizia-urbana-tema-di-decoro-1\]](https://live.comune.venezia.it/it/2017/07/maxi-sanzioni-le-violazioni-al-regolamento-di-polizia-urbana-tema-di-decoro-1])), and if he hadn’t asked permission to the city’s administration for filming, 400€, cfr. art. 31 Regolamento di Polizia Urbana

Source for what’s above being:

• ⁠Venice’s own government owned website (in Italian)([https://www.comune.venezia.it/it/content/sanzioni-comportamenti](https://www.comune.venezia.it/it/content/sanzioni-comportamenti)) • ⁠Direct link to all the city’s laws listed neatly([https://www.comune.venezia.it/it/content/regolamento-polizia-urbana](https://www.comune.venezia.it/it/content/regolamento-polizia-urbana))