A bead falls upon a bookish, broadened absurdity cast by-proxy as both boob and brute by the befuddlement of blessings. This bearing, no bare bluff of bluster, is belated of the bias body beneficial … now barren, blank! However, this brave breach of a by-gone bothersome stands buoyed, betroth to banish these bent and baneful blights bulletproofing debauchery, bestowing
boisterous brutality and barbarous blitz of plebiscite!
The only bequeathal is counter-blow; a brawl, held in bound, not in boast, for the bedazzlement and bona-fide of such shall one day bear out the bastion and the becoming.
Beyond doubt, this brew beats around the bush, bending most bombastically, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me Juan.