I hate this dog culture in the west. When you think about it dogs are the only aggressive animals we let live near us. there are 4.5 million dog bites per year and 16 of those per year result in death. Other animals such as cats and rabbits that live near us don’t attack us. Also no they dont love you they just want food you can get the same kind of emotional support from rabbits and cats. So what do we do about this problem? well I think china is doing a good job [handelling this problem.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lychee_and_Dog_Meat_Festival) You might say im a monster for even suggesting this but you most likely eat meat. Most of all you eat animals that dont attack people. Which is fine I eat my fair share of pork and beef but you should be consistent with your logic. If you want to have a reasonable discussion with me that’s fine but don’t insult or use adhominem against me.