My ideal USA is one where trannies are no longer accepted by the mainstream media (still can do theyre gay ass surgery though, but not government funded)- the lgbt group would turn to just lgb. Blacklivesmatter would die out, people would realize blacks aren’t oppressed. No more crazy extremists on either side. The “left” would be the more globalist, and more government involved one. The “right” would be more civic nationalist and libraterian. Crustians, athetits, and non-practicing jews and peaceful muslims would get along. Isis would be long gone, all we’d really have beef with would be north korea. Hatred between “fucking n*ggers reeeee” white supremacists and “all whites are racist blacklivesmatter” cucks would stop, we’d all get along. And the two main candidates would be decent people and it would no longer be a fight of who will destroy the country the least. Also, schools would be completely free of political bias.
What’s your ideal america?