I know I got here because of your fupa, but watching your video, I just caught myself in love with your face and your personality (at least the one you showed on your videos and h3h3 podcast). You have such an amazing face! Your second and third chins are just the exact size, not too thick and not “barely there”. Your mouth is big (which i consider a very good thing). Your cheecks (and butcheeks) are full and soft and probably good to kiss. Your eyes are so bright and light, just like 2 diamonds, and the expressions your eyebrows gave out are just formidable. You are one of a kind, and managed to drag my eyes from the fupa and thicc butt all the way up to your beautiful personality height. Ethan you look soo good, oh you look so good. By the way, I’m taken, so those compliments are just sincere ones, with no… ah what am i talking about, i just wanna uuuuugh…