Warning: emotional

When i was 4 or 5 years old, my brother flushed the drawing of squidward down the toilet. I was next to him, watching squidward die in front of my eyes while i couldn’t do anything about it. We both agreed to flush him because i spilled my apple juice on his head so he started to smell. When we were both standing in front of the toilet, i remember hearing sad funeral music in the background. After some tears, my brother flushed him. I was crying, and crying. But then my brother told me he saw Squidward’s head float in the sewer, however, i didn’t get to see Squidward so i started crying more. Until this day i wonder where is Squidward, and did he find a new family that will take better care of him as a piece of cardboard that he is. We will miss you Squidward…