Am I The Asshole For Killing My Sister Cause She Disrespected Omori? So me M(18) Was praying to Omocat like i do each day, and then i started drinking some Orange Joe, and then my sister F(16) started crying cause she didnt want to play the piano LOL what an idiot, she didnt get the Omori Reference, loser, so i decided to do an omori sunny reference and push her of the stairs, she started bleeding out and telling me to call the doctors, me M(18, and single 📷 ) decided that i M(18) should bring her to the hospital, but then i got a better idea, i showed her some omori memes, she started crying which is the oposite of what she should do, so me M(18) decided it was a good idea to hang her in a tree, which is also an omori reference, so reddit, AITA? (SPOILER: The answer is no)