Jerking off while you have the flu is possibly the single grossest, most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever done. For one, your nose is stuffed up and runny so you’re breathing through your mouth while snot gushes out of your nose and drips onto your cock like a fucking troglodyte. But the real problem is the fever. It turns out that for some reason beating your meat cranks the fever all the way up to 11. Your entire body heats up like you’re in a fucking sauna. You feel all the blood rush to your face. Your hands turn red. You start sweating. The acid in the back of your throat starts boiling. When you finally cum it’s like you’re shooting hot oil. It doesn’t even feel good like a normal orgasm, more just like you blew your nose through your fucking dong. I’m so pissed off, I’ve been sick for 5 days now and haven’t jerked off in 4 because of how fucking unpleasant it is. Fuck.