You just finish slathering that last bit of peanut butter onto your honey wheat bread and you gently place it peanut butter side down on your jellied bottom slice. You flip it over for flair and grab a glass out of your cupboard for a cup of sweet creamy whole milk. You do a slow pour and savor every moment of milk on glass contact. You take your plated perfection and milky nectar to table or counter of your choosing and start eating and drinking this fantastic dish. As you are halfway through both curiosity strikes you! What if you do the unthinkable? What if you take a step into territory no other has ever tred upon? What if… You dip your peanut butter and jelly sandwich into your milk? You pick up the sandwich, you grasp your glass in quickening anxiety, you take the plunge. A bite sized section of your PB & J has been submerged. You retrieve it from the creamy depths, you take a bite, and you enter jelly filled, peanut butter slathered, milk soaked Nirvana. Try it, you might join me in the higher plane of existence.

By EinarBloodAxe99