I hate where the Doctor Who fandom has fallen.

True fans will not abandon their favorite show or call it dead no matter what direction it goes, even if you disagree with it. I can respect any opinion who does not want a Lady Doctor, even if I disagree. I can’t say I don’t have concerns with how it goes or longterm effects, but I will wait and see myself. However, those who are willing to abandon and boycott what they love without hesitation (especially when I hear they have followed the show since childhood) should never call themselves a true fan. If you want the show to move forward and hope for the best, support the choice because it might just surprise you.

And for those who think attacking the people who disagree with Lady Doctor will solve anything like telling them to fuck off and die already or calling them basement dwellers and dinosaurs, you all would make very good Daleks. Look at your behavior. It’s just adding gasoline to a flame and we know for sure that’s not how things are done here. The Doctor doesn’t attack or fight, he/she negotiates to lessen the burden and make the situations better. Granted it doesn’t always work, but that doesn’t stop him/her from acting rational. You think attacking will solve anything? Shame on you!

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who has ever learned anything from this show.