As a MAN of great logic and intelligence I’d like to have some of your time today. For those who don’t believe my claim my IQ is 269 and I blast LIL Pump. Along with having a masters in economics, combat, complex mathematics with a minor in biology chem and physical fitness (Gotta keep the body as sharp as the mind). What I am going to share with you today may shock you and be a little uncomfortable for you because this is something never before discussed as I am currently the only person in existence who has the knowledge to make the discoveries needed to be able to say this. I will now present you with my thesis: “Fish are friends not food” . Over my extensive time spent studying the logistics of this statement I have written numerous books and papers outlining the research and development involved in such studies. How you might ask ? Simple. I started with a quick Yoga session, it is necessary to configure the mind body connection. Years and years of yoga, Hot yoga, advanced yoga. Yoga here yoga there and yoga everywhere. On my pursuit of this deep connection I found myself eating mushrooms provided by my nutritionist. Picked from the amazon rain forest costing a large 420$ per mg I began my journey into the mind. While maintaining perfect diet I was able to meet my spirit god. The fish. Now this was no ordinary fish. My friend phil (the fish) was the product of malformed communist beta fish. This had seemed to be something in his life that had him feeling unsure about himself. Now during my studies and majoring in psychology I felt equipped to help my new companion. as we sat down in the office chairs on the 69th floor of the empire state building drinking air just shooting the shit. He starts opening up. He says I don’t know why humans feel the need to fish. He says to me as he leaned(sprite in the 🅱️up) in “We feel hurt that the connection you try to make with us comes with a peace offering followed by a sharp hook” I say back to him, taken back by what he had said. I said fuck you kid I do what i want. Im a rank 99 gurdian and I don’t take shit from a fish. He tries to calm me down and I notice his intentions are genuine. This is when I realized that fish just want to be our friends. With the remaining time on the expensive trip I finished my 4th book edition 3. “Fish are friends not food” – The next up. I hoped you learned from this. namaste friend.