Right now, I can buy about 1,500 live ladybugs for about $7. Doing the math here… $1,000 gets me about 214,500 live ladybugs. That’s pretty good right? Some say November is a bad time to be buying ladybugs, but when you have a house as spacious and humid as mine, it’s always a good time to buy ladybugs.

Imagine it. A house packed with gentle air current of a quarter million ladybugs buzzing about eating all my food. They’d crawl all over me. Tickle my hair. Tickle my penis. They’d leave their eggs everywhere and I’d watch eagerly as the little newborns emerge. Don’t worry little guy, there are no predators here. This is a ladybugs sanctuary!

The guests to my home would be confused, but delighted I’m sure. Who among us can’t help by enjoy ladybugs? Before long, they’re sure to buy a few packs of ladybugs themselves!